Saturday, September 8, 2012

Best Job in Waterloo

Goofy team photo
I'm really excited about what we're working on at Sortable.  If you haven't yet heard of Sortable or our parent company, Rebellion Media, then check us out. In short, our mission is to make consumer decision making easy.

Let me explain. Perhaps you're in the market for a new camera, smartphone, television, computer, whatever. It's difficult enough with all the different brands and models out there. It's even more difficult when you (as a typical consumer) are not a domain expert and so you don't even know what questions you should be asking. That's where we come in. Anyhow...

There are many reasons why I love working at Sortable. Not only do I get to work on a great website with cool technology and alongside really smart people, but I also get asked to do some photography from time to time.  How many people get to do their two favourite hobbies all day and actually get paid for it?

More traditional team photo

We recently added two more full-time employees and a co-op student (Welcome Katie, Jude and Keyar). On top of that, we have an exciting release coming in the near future -- I'm so pumped! And with that, we needed some new group photos. These are some of the shots I took.

Group photo featuring Keyar, our co-op student

Don't hate me for having the best job in Waterloo.  Instead, come join me.  Sortable and Rebellion Media are both hiring (web developers, back-end developers, co-ops, etc, etc).

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